PowerShell class

Har mitt i allt börjat bygga PowerShell classer

Mina tre första är Continent, Country och Person.
Tänk på att detta är min första utgåva av dessa classer och det kan bli så att jag kommer justera dem lite mera innan jag är helt nöjd.

#Class Person, object with Person
class Person {

    #Hidden properties
    hidden [String] $Firstname	#Firstname for person
    hidden [String] $Lastname	#Lastname for person


    Person([String] $Firstname, [String] $Lastname){
        $this.Firstname = $Firstname
        $this.Lastname = $Lastname
    #Write to cli method
    [void] WriteToCli(){
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - Start #####"
        Write-Host "Firstname:" $this.Firstname
        Write-Host "Lastname:" $this.Lastname
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - End #####"

	#Get method
    [String] getFirstname(){
       return $this.Firstname
	#Get method
	[String] getLastname(){
       return $this.Lastname
	#Get method
    [String] getDisplayname(){
        $str = $this.Firstname + " " + $this.Lastname
        return $str

	#Set method
    [void] setFirstname([String] $Firstname){
       $this.Firstname = $Firstname   

	#Set method
    [void] setLastname([String] $Lastname){
       $this.Lastname = $Lastname
	#compare method
	[boolean] compare([Person] $person){
		$bool = $true
		if($this.getFirstname() -ne $person.getFirstname()){
			$bool = $false
		if($this.getLastname() -ne $person.getLastname()){
			$bool = $false
		return $bool


#Class Country, object with Country
class Country {

    #Hidden properties
    hidden [String] $Name	#Country name
    hidden [Continent] $Continent #Continent object for this country
    hidden [String] $A2		#Country name with 2 letter
    hidden [String] $A3		#Country name with 3 letter


    Country([String] $Name, [Continent] $Continent, [String] $A2, [String] $A3){
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Continent = $Continent
        $this.A2 = $A2
        $this.A3 = $A2
    #Write to cli method
    [void] WriteToCli(){
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - Start #####"
        Write-Host "Name:" $this.Name
        Write-Host "Continent:" $this.Continent.getName()
        Write-Host "A2:" $this.A2
        Write-Host "A3:" $this.A3
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - End #####"

	#Get method
    [String] getName(){
       return $this.NAme

	#Get method
    [Continent] getContinent(){
       return $this.Continent

	#Get method
    [String] getA2(){
    	return $this.A2
	#Get method
    [String] getA3(){
        return $this.A3
	#Set method
    [void] setName([String] $Name){
       $this.Name = $Name

	#Set method
    [void] setContinent([Continent] $Continent){
       $this.Continent  = $Continent

	#Set method
    [void] setA2([String] $A2){
       $this.A2 = $A2

	#Set method
    [void] setA3([String] $A3){
       $this.A3 = $A3

	#compare method
	[boolean] compare([Country] $country){
		$bool = $true
		if( !(
			$bool = $false
		if($this.getName() -ne $country.getName()){
			$bool = $false
		if($this.getA2() -ne $country.getA2()){
			$bool = $false
		if($this.getA3() -ne $country.getA3()){
			$bool = $false
		return $bool


#Class Continet, object with Continent
class Continent {

    #Hidden properties
    hidden [String] $Name	#Continent name


    Country([String] $Name){
        $this.Name = $Name
	#Write to cli method
    [void] WriteToCli(){
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - Start #####"
        Write-Host "Name:" $this.Name
        Write-Host "##### DATA to CLI - End #####"

	#Get method
    [String] getName(){
       return $this.NAme

	#Set method
    [void] setName([String] $Name){
       $this.Name = $Name

	#compare method
	[boolean] compare([Continent] $continent){
		$bool = $true
		if($this.getName() -ne $continent.getName()){
			$bool = $false
		if($this.getName() -ne $continent.getName()){
			$bool = $false
		return $bool


Tydligen blir inte formateringen den bästa när man lägger kod i wordpress, men det får duga.